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Nine Assembly Republicans Vote for LGBT Pride Month, Contradicting Party Platform

Earlier this week, the California Assembly overwhelmingly voted to require the Governor to annually declare June as  “LGBT Pride Month.” In a surprise to millions of California conservatives, all the Democrat legislators were joined by nine Assembly Republicans, who sadly chose to contradict their party platform’s support for traditional families and religious freedom.

The Republican platform specifically states California Republicans support “a two-parent family as the best environment for raising children, and therefore believe that it is important to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.” It also states that Republicans “believe public policy and education should not be exploited to advocate or teach any social or political agenda.” The platform vigorously defends religious liberty as well, stating: “We support the California Constitution’s guarantee of the free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference.”

The eight member California Legislative LGBT Caucus sponsored AB-2969, LGBT Pride Month. Explaining the purpose of the bill, the author, LGBT Caucus Chair Evan Low, said,

“the California Legislature established the first and largest Legislative LGBT Caucus. California is home to over forty LGBT Pride celebrations. Pride Month is incredibly important to the LGBT community and I stand with the rest of the LGBT Caucus members to see that Pride Month becomes part of California history and is recognized every year in June.”

Yet legislators in California’s LGBT Caucus do more than “celebrate their history.” Disturbingly, they use their influence and power to punish those who disagree with them.

Over the years, LGBT legislators have grown increasingly hostile to traditional values regarding sex, marriage, and gender. Instead of representing the majority of California citizens, these elected officials instead advocate for laws and policies that force their values into every area of society.

Those with historical or faith-based views on sex and gender are considered “bigots” or “haters.” Non-conformity is punished with fines, lawsuits, and even jail time in some instances. Sadly, appeals to First Amendment protections for religious minority groups fall on deaf ears.

Here are a few examples of LGBT Caucus’ attacks over the past several years:

In light of these assaults on California conservatives by the LGBT Caucus, it is shocking that so many Republicans (more than a third all GOP Assemblymembers!) voted with them. By joining with the LGBT Caucus, these Republicans are not only undermining their constituents values, but indirectly, their own legislative agenda.

Below is the list of Republicans that voted for AB 2969 – LGBT Pride Month on May 14th. Please call them and respectfully ask why they are embracing a caucus of legislators who are openly hostile to the Biblical values expressed in the Republican Platform:

  • Catherine Baker (R-Livermore) (916) 319-2016
  • Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) (916) 319-2035
  • Rocky Chávez (R-Oceanside)   (916) 319-2076
  • Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) (916) 319-2036
  • Brian Maienschein (R- San Diego) (916) 319-2077
  • Devon Mathis (R-Visalia)  (916) 319-2026
  • Chad Mayes (R-Rancho Mirage)  (916) 319-2042
  • Randy Voepel (R-Santee)  (916) 319-2071
  • Marie Waldron (R-Escondido)  (916) 319-2075

The Republican Party Platform statement on the family is as follows:

The California Republican Party affirms the family as the natural and indispensable institution for human development. A strong and healthy family unit is the heart of the home—a safe surrounding where family decisions are made, children are raised, and morality is taught. The family is a foundation on which American society has grown and prospered for over 200 years. We support the two-parent family as the best environment for raising children, and therefore believe that it is important to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The Supreme Court’s ruling cannot and must not be used to coerce a church or religious institution into performing marriages that their faith does not recognize. We believe public policy and education should not be exploited to advocate or teach any social or political agenda.

Republican Party Platform statement on religious liberty:

The California Republican Party respects each person’s individual conscience and is a strong proponent of religious liberty for all. We support the California Constitution’s guarantee of the free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference. We strongly support the United States Constitution’s safeguard against the establishment of a state-sponsored religion, while simultaneously protecting the free exercise of religion.



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