SACRAMENTO: The California Senate approved this morning AB 1145, a bill to lower the mandated reporting requirements for some statutory rape cases. The bill was sponsored by Equality California. The bill was approved 25 to 10, with the Republicans voting no.

Authored by Assembly Member Cristina Garcia (D – Downey), AB 1145 changed the reporting requirements for mandated reporters if the perpetrator is younger than 21, the minor victim is 16 or older, and the sexual activity is consensual.
This means high school teachers or counselors who know or suspect one of their 16-year-old students or counselees is having sex with a 20-year-old, they are no longer required to report it to authorities. This bill is especially concerning in light of how many LGBT organizations are sponsoring social events between young teenagers and young adults. See the following fliers for LGBT social events.
The author of this bill made news several years ago for being investigated for accusations of sexual harassment. Here is what the Assembly Speaker said about her according to the Los Angeles Times: “Despite the decision that the most egregious allegations could not be substantiated, it is clear that Assemblymember Garcia has engaged in a pattern of behavior that must be addressed,” Rendon said in a written statement. The Assembly leader also said Garcia will have to attend sexual harassment and sensitivity training when she returns to work.