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Facebook Blocks Women’s Access to Information About Pregnancy Healthcare

Facebook has already acquired quite a notorious reputation for inexplicably censoring pro life content.

Facebook is now blocking neutral links from the American Pregnancy Association (APA). According to their website, “The American Pregnancy Association is a national health organization committed to promoting reproductive and pregnancy wellness through education,  support, advocacy, and community awareness.”

Lifesite news first became aware of this from a tip from one of their readers who was attempting to forward pregnancy resource information to a friend. However, Facebook gave that individual an error message informing them their message could not be sent because the links attached violated their community standards. The article that the person was trying to forward to their friend stated that “Between 5 ½ to 6 ½ weeks, a fetal pole or even a fetal heartbeat may be detected by vaginal ultrasound.”

Facebook blocked the link from being uploaded with the statement that
“Your message couldn’t be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards. If you think this doesn’t go against our Community Standards, let us know.”

According to Live Action News:

On Tuesday, LifeSiteNews tested the links and confirmed that while Facebook allows links to APA’s main page and some articles, including “Fetal Development: First Trimester” and “Possible Physical Side Effects After Abortion,” Facebook blocks the early complications article as well as one on abortion pill reversal from being shared either on a user’s wall or via the Messenger app, complete with an unexplained “Community Standards” warning.

The early complications article makes no reference to abortion and is purely informational. The pill reversal piece is overall favorable to the practice, guiding readers to the 24-hour Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline. However, it too is primarily informative and presents the arguments both for and against, with quotes from organizations on both sides of the debate.

Defenders of abortion dislike informational materials that humanize a baby in the womb. Even more, they dislike anything that informs women about the abortion pill reversal.

The amazing news is that since 2007, over 300 women have stopped their abortion from working by means of the abortion pill reversal.

Emily, was one such young mother who on becoming pregnant, chose to take the abortion pill because she felt it was her only real option. She instantly was consumed with regret and the next morning, less than twelve hours after she took the abortion pill, she was able to start the Abortion Pill Reversal process. She writes:

I am for forever changed into a new person because of my son and what I went through to bring him into this world. He is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so blessed to have him as my son. God says children are a blessing and a gift from above, and I cannot agree more. I hope everyone when faced with this choice chooses life, but thankfully, if they make a mistake like mine, there’s a second chance, which is the reversal process.

Catchet has a similar story. Upon finding out she was pregnant, she wanted an abortion, but it turns out the pregnancy center she visited was a pro life clinic and so they did not give her any information about an abortion, but instead gave her information on caring for and keeping her child. Even after the visit with the pro life clinic, she decided to follow through with her original plan of aborting her child, so she found another office and took the abortion pill. After the appointment, she went to Walmart to get a few things. She ended up breaking down in the bathroom, realizing she had made the biggest mistake of her life. She found out about the Abortion Pill Reversal Process and started beginning treatments immediately. She writes:

“Not following through with the abortion pill has been a tremendous blessing. My little girl is the joy of my life and I truly don’t know what I would do with out her. I am so thankful God placed people in my path who were able to make sure my little angel had a chance at life.”

Lisbeth story is very similar, she found out she was pregnant, decided to take the abortion pill, and then regretted her decision to abort her baby. She was able to stat treatments through the Abortion Pill Reversal as well. She writes:

“There is help out there for women who are confused and feel lonely. For me, the help that the pregnancy center has given me is the best. I didn’t feel alone and I knew that if I had a question I would not hesitate to call them…There is a new light in my home that brings a smile to everyone in my family and I would not change it for the world.”

The success stories of women who have used the Abortion Pill Reversal process to successfully continue to cary their child after regretting taking the Abortion Pill are multitude.  For more abortion pill reversal stories, visit here.

Of the California’s Board of Nursing decision to train nurses on the Abortion Pill Reversal process, Pregnancy Help News reports:

California Assemblyman Jim Patterson, a three-time adoptive father who served as a founding board member for a Fresno pregnancy help center, also applauded the decision.

“Making sure nurses in California are educated about Abortion Pill Reversal is a no-brainer,” Patterson, also an outspoken opponent of California’s so-called “Reproductive FACT Act,” which forces ultrasound-equipped pregnancy centers to advertise taxpayer-funded abortions, said. “The California Board of Nursing should not only approve of their efforts but should support this important mission of helping mothers who are choosing life for their babies.”

Facebook is illustrating yet again that it does not care about women’s health, and would rather limit the amount of medical options presented to women, even if keeping them in the dark means a woman has an abortion or complications from an abortion.



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