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Value Voters Bus Tours CA to Encourage Christians to Vote Their Values

California Family Council President Jonathan Keller was on hand in Fresno this week as the Values Bus stopped in town as part of a state-wide tour to motivate California Christians to vote in the mid-term elections. The Family Research Council Action sponsored bus started its trek in Modesto at the end of September and is now headed south holding events and visiting churches to urge people to pray for the November election, to vote their values, and to stand up publicly for their biblical convictions.

Keller had the opportunity to interview two of the tour leaders last Tuesday. Both Gina Gleason, with Faith and Public Policy, and Karen England, with Capitol Resource Institute, have been speaking up for biblical values and encouraging Christians to be salt and light in culture for decades. “We are here because FRC Action realized how important California is to the future of our country,” explained Gleason. “What happens in California often moves out towards the rest of the country. So they wanted to make sure the Christians got out and voted this November.”

“All to often Christians think their vote doesn’t matter; they stay home,” England told Keller.  “We really want to encourage them; they really need to get out and stand for their values.” Watch Keller’s interview with Gleason and England here.

The Values Bus will be visiting the California cities listed above over the next month or so

Visit the Values Bus Tour website for more details about the scheduled bus tour events in California and throughout the country. If you want the bus to stop at your church or event, contact them at [email protected].

Several Values Buses are driving throughout the country to encourage and equip voters to vote their values on November 6th! Launched by FRC Action, the Values Bus Tour will help inform citizens in key states and communities across America. They help mobilize Values Voters and work to preserve the bedrock values of religious freedom, sanctity of life, the family, and limited government that make our nation strong.

The Values Bus Tour is a project of FRC Action, the legislative affiliate arm of Family Research Council fighting for the American family. FRC Action was founded in 1992 to educate the general public and cultural leaders about traditional American values and to promote the philosophy of the Founding Fathers concerning the nature of ordered liberty.



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