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President Trump: “Children… are Endowed from Conception with Value, Purpose, and Human Dignity”

In a Presidential Proclamation issued March 29, 2018, President Donald Trump declared April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. In that Proclamation, President Trump referred to life as beginning at conception.

The Proclamation read in part:

We must always remember that all children are blessings from our Creator. They are endowed from conception with value, purpose, and human dignity. They are a source of unmatched joy, and they represent our Nation’s future. It is thus our civic and moral responsibility to help every child experience a childhood free from abuse and mistreatment, guiding them toward a future full of hope and promise.

The Proclamation also noted that every child deserves the “security of a loving and nurturing home,” and that “when supported by encouraging families and safe, strong communities, all children have the chance to reach their full potential…” It also acknowledges the fact that children have the highest rates of success when raised by a mother and father, who together can work toward creating a happy and healthy environment for their children. The Proclamation also notes the importance roles that friends, neighbors, educators, and churches play in a child’s development.

In the Proclamation, President Trump encourages every American to do all they can to protect the lives of children at all stages from abuse and neglect. More from the Proclamation:

Only together can we put an end to the tragedy of child abuse and neglect.  I am confident that our combined efforts in combating these evils will help create a world that is more tender, compassionate, and inviting to our children for centuries to come.

In October of 2017, the Trump administration also declared that life begins at conception, and outlined in the strategic plan for the Department of Health and Human Services that it should be protected. “HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception,” the plan states. The Trump administration was the first to issue a strategic plan for HHS that defined life as beginning at conception.

President Trump concluded the Presidential Proclamation by urging that more individuals throughout the United States take extra time to invest in the next generation:

I call upon all Americans to invest in the lives of our Nation’s children, to be aware of their safety and well-being, and to support efforts that promote their psychological, physical, and emotional development.



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