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Opt Your Children Out Of “Coming Out Week” Lesson Plans

Next week (October 9-13, 2023), Los Angeles elementary school students — yes, elementary school students — will be subjected to a week of “Coming Out Day” LGBTQ+ lesson plans. 

Children as young as five years old sent to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic will instead sit through lessons that center around an individual’s sexual attraction to others, a topic inappropriate regardless of sexual orientation. 

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) website provides toolkits to educators, caregivers, and administrators to assist in lesson planning for the week. Documents include the following:

  • Name and/or Gender Change Form (Unofficial Change of Name and/or Gender of Minor in LAUSD Pupil Records)
  • Handbook of SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression) Language & Vocabulary 
  • LGBTQ+ History lesson plans
  • “My Pronouns Are” flyers
  • LGBTQ+ themed book lists
  • LGBTQ+ themed videos, including:
    • A TED Talk on “A Non-Binary Transition”
    • A TEDx Talk given by a gender-confused 12-year-old titled, “Toilets, bowties, gender and me,” that includes in the description: “If you met Audrey Mason-Hyde, you might think Audrey was a boy, which isn’t quite correct, but calling Audrey a girl doesn’t feel quite right either. At 12 years old, Audrey is already an accomplished actor with film and TV credits…”
  • …and plenty more.

If your children do not attend school in Los Angeles, you might be tempted to shrug this news off as “typical” LA indoctrination. But Pastor Jack Hibbs warns against that complacency:

“This is an urgent emergency response,” Pastor Jack writes. “The first mistake you can make, my friends, is to think that this is only Los Angeles – do not assume that this will not be in some way celebrated in your child’s school in your city, no matter where you may be in America. Give your kids next week off, and teach them at home whatever you must do to rescue them from the perverted evils and the debased plots and plans of this world’s reprobates.”

“It’s time to fight back because a war is underway, and your child is the prize.”

At the very least, parents should consider contacting their children’s schools to ensure these types of lesson plans are not occurring this week. And if they are, consider submitting an opt-out form (available in both English and Spanish) so your child is not subjected to the indoctrination.

Remember: it is absolutely your right to opt out of lesson plans this week and even take your kids out of school as Pastor Jack suggests. 

Parents and taxpayers in LAUSD have every right to be outraged. Perhaps a mass walk-out is what LAUSD needs to see and hear. If you don’t fight for your child, who will?



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