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New Toolkit Helps Parents Remove Obscene Materials From Schools 

Capitol Resource Institute has developed a BookCheck toolkit to guide parents through the process of addressing and removing obscene, sexually graphic, and pornographic materials from public schools.

In 2019, the California State Board of Education made controversial changes to the state’s health and sex education framework, which included recommending books teaching children about sexually graphic and controversial topics such as bondage, anal sex, pederasty, sexual orientation, and gender fludity.  While California’s literacy rate is the lowest in the nation, the State Board of Education prioritized teaching inappropriate sexual content to young children. 

To let parents around the country know which school libraries have these sexually graphic books, CRI also launched TakeBacktheClassroom.com. The website lists schools in seven states including 15 school districts in California. 

One of the books allowed in California school libraries is Lawn Boy, which includes “graphic sex acts between children,” according to California Globe

Another book, Trans+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You is described on Amazon as “A groundbreaking all-inclusive, uncensored, must-have guide for teens who are living in this world, who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, or are questioning their gender identity or how they express themselves, and for their cis-allies and advocates.”

Lastly, Gender Queer: A Memoir has been in school libraries nationwide. It includes animations of oral sex and masturbation, and describes how to use sex toys.

“Distribution of this material off school grounds would be considered criminal, but exposing our children to it during school hours is somehow deemed ‘educational,’” CRI President Karen England told the California Globe.

“The sustained and coordinated effort to include pornographic material in K-12 public schools is a multi-faceted issue,” England continued, “but the most important thing you need to know now is that these graphic materials are more than likely already in your county library, your public-school library, and/or they are being used in your child’s classroom.”

Not only are inappropriate books present in California public schools and libraries, but teachers have even been punished for refusing to read such books to children. 

Christian teacher Nelli Parisenkova asked for a religious accommodation that excused her from reading the LGBT-themed books at a child care center in Studio City, California, but she was denied the accommodation. Instead, the school required the teacher to undergo non-discrimination, harassment, and diversity “retraining,” and her job was eventually terminated. 

Despite increased media attention and numerous instances of schools infringing on parental rights, explicit and pornographic textbooks and library books remain present in educational institutions. These materials continue to be forcefully promoted to children by radical activists, despite the growing concerns and objections coming from parents. 

This means parents cannot rely on elected officials to keep their children safe from inappropriate materials in schools. Parental involvement is more important than ever, and this new toolkit is a great way for parents to learn how to get started. 


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