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CA Lawmakers Introduce Resolutions to Celebrate “Pride Month”

Every June, corporate America, Hollywood, public institutions, the federal government, and even some churches display rainbow flags and engage in virtue signaling as they enthusiastically display their support for the growing list of gender identities. 

In 2018, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill into law dedicating June as “LGBTQ Pride Month” in California. As “Pride Month” quickly approaches this year, the California state legislature is working to reinforce California’s commitment to celebrating “pride.” 

SR-33 and HR 33 were introduced by the House and Senate on May 1, recognizing June 2023 as a month to affirm sexual behavior and sexual identities that contradict God’s good created order meant to effectuate human flourishing.  

Both bills proclaim “June 2023 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month.” They urge “all Californians to join in celebrating the culture, accomplishments, and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people” and encourage “the people of California to work to help advance the cause of equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, and their families…”

This pro-LGBT messaging is inherently anti-Christian, as the Bible is clear about God’s design for marriage and human sexuality. With Pride Month resolutions, the California legislature is showing hostility toward the Christian faith and marginalizing Judeo-Christian views of sexuality and human identity.

Our lawmakers should be promoting virtue and a well-ordered society rather than vice and confusion. However, regardless of whether this resolution passes, Pride celebrations will still take place throughout the state. Our secular culture is hell-bent on advancing a distorted view of human sexuality and forcing acceptance of this illogical worldview with or without inappropriate resolutions from legislators. Therefore, parents should be mindful of what their children are being exposed to. Children’s TV shows, books in stores and libraries, clothing, and much more will be filled with pro-LGBT messages in the month of June. 

“Pride Month” is a great opportunity for parents to teach their children about the lies coming from the left about human sexuality and how to combat them. It’s also an important opportunity to take a stand for Christian principles in the face of opposition and persecution. 

“During Pride month, Christians are required to say no to some things,” writes Joseph Backholm for the Washington Stand. “When we say ‘no’ to doing whatever you want sexually, it’s because we are saying ‘yes’ to virtue, discipline, delayed gratification, and the satisfaction and intimacy that comes from forming relationships God’s way. When we say ‘no’ to the idea that boys can become girls, we are saying ‘yes’ to finding our created purpose. When we say ‘no’ surrogacy so that a child can be placed with two dads, it’s because we are saying ‘yes’ to each child to be known and loved by both their parents. When we say ‘no’ to bad ideas, it’s because we’re saying ‘yes’ to better ideas. Every time.” This is the lesson parents can teach their children this June. 

Ultimately, pride is nothing to celebrate. In fact, the Christian faith tells believers that pride is a deadly sin. It seeks the world’s applause while opposing God’s principles. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6-7). Hopefully, Christians hold the line and don’t support these resolutions in the state legislature. 



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