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Riverside Sheriff Condemns Infanticide Bill in Interview with Pastor Jack Hibbs

“What do you get when you get law and order, and a passion for life? You get Sheriff Chad Bianco.” That’s how Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills introduced the popular sheriff of Riverside County on Hibb’s podcast last week as the two sat down to talk about the constitutionally, scientifically, and morally wrong COVID-19 shutdowns, the true role of law enforcement, and California’s infanticide bill, AB 2223

Sheriff Bianco was elected Sheriff, Coroner, and Public Administrator of Riverside County, California’s second-largest county, on November 6, 2018. During the COVID-19 state of emergency Sheriff Bianco boldly refused to enforce Governor Newsom’s closure mandates on churches and businesses. “The Governor was releasing tens of thousands of inmates for no reason, …while they want us to arrest people coming out of their house, or not wearing masks, people going to church, pastors opening up their church,” Bianco said. “They want them arrested, and I took a stand [against] it.” 

Pastor Hibbs commended Bianco for his bravery and for following the biblical mandate of government outlined in Romans 13.  Summarizing the passage, Hibbs said, “The officer does not bear his sword in vain, but is used as an instrument of God to do good.” He said that Sheriff Bianco, standing against nonsensical mandates, “stood for what was good, it may not have been popular at the moment, but it turned out to be heroic in the end.” 

Pastor Jack and Sheriff Bianco discuss in-depth AB 2223 and how the bill was written in order to prevent law enforcement from doing its job. The infanticide bill allows a child to be killed up to one month after birth. Sheriff Bianco makes it clear that “if this bill passes, it is preventing us from doing that investigation, from doing that research into why that baby died.” Law enforcement is going to lose the ability to do its job, due to a political agenda. “[Law enforcement] can’t even look into it, or we subject ourselves to criminal or civil penalties,” Bianco said. “This bill either has to be severely amended, or gutted, or voted down.” 

Sheriff Bianco said AB 2223 was another example that shows the current California legislature is focused on pushing a lawless agenda. “In a law enforcement world, this is another perfect example of our current legislature that is just complete anti-public safety. They are for everyone’s freedom, do ever what you want at the consequence of zero; doesn’t matter if it affects anyone else; doesn’t matter if a baby dies; you can sell fentanyl all you want; it doesn’t matter how many people you kill; there is no consequences for it.” 



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