New data released from a nationwide Gallup poll reveals that sixty percent of Americans think most or all abortions should be made illegal.
Findings from Gallup polls in the past have indicated similar feelings from the American public. According to Lifenews:
In the past, the Gallup survey has found that roughly half or just over half of Americans oppose all or almost all abortions. The newest polling data is no different, as Gallup notes it has “consistently” found over the years that a majority of Americans are pro-life.
Gallup found 60% of Americans take a pro-life position on abortion wanting all (21%) or almost all 39% abortions made illegal. That 60% figure is the highest percentage of Americans espousing a pro-life position since 2009 and a dramatic rise in pro-life attitudes since the 53% figure Gallup pound in its polling last year.
Also encouraging, the poll found that support for and attitudes towards abortion have declined in recent years – the past year especially. The poll found that only twenty-five percent of Americans support abortion at “all” stages. Thirteen percent of respondents answered that “almost all” of abortions should be allowed. That makes for a total of thirty-eight percent of respondents who think that most or all abortions should be allowed. Last year the same Gallup poll found that forty-three percent of respondents supported most or all abortions.
That pro-life shift from 53% of Americans opposing all or most abortions in 2018 to 60% opposing all or most abortions today is reflected in a self-identifying question asking Americans if they consider themselves pro-life or pro-choice. Such questions always produce odd results because they tend to show that some pro-life Americans consider themselves pro-choice even though they oppose all or most abortions — something seen in the current Gallup poll.
The poll found a 49-46% pro-choice split last year but this year the pro-life margin has increased and a plurality of Americans now say they are pro-life, 49-46%. That’s a 6% total shift in the pro-life direction from last year.

The Gallup poll is consistent with other polls on the pro life/abortion topic. Other recent polls have revealed similar findings. A recent survey showed that the majority of Americans think that bans on abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected are not to restrictive, according to The Hill.