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Girl Scouts have a Sordid Relationship with Planned Parenthood

It’s that time of year again when Girl Scouts are selling their cookies. Each year, Girl Scout cookies across the nation conduct a single cookie sale, which generally lasts about two months. How long the cookies are on sale is up to the individual council, but the cookie sales officially kick off on January 2nd and end sometime in April.

The first recorded history of Girl Scout cookies dates back to 1917, five years after the organization was founded. A troop of Girl Scouts in Oklahoma held a cookie sale to fund the activities for their troop. Word spread from there, and the tradition continued to grow. Seems harmless enough, right?

It certainly would be except for the fact that now, the majority of the proceeds from the sale of cookies goes towards the regional council – only about 10-20% goes to the local troop selling them. Also, Girl Scouts of America have some sordid connections with Planned Parenthood, an organization that certainly does not empower young women and girls.

As clear back as 2010, it has been documented that the Girl Scouts have supported Planned Parenthood.

Lifenews has more details:

Recent evidence of a GSUSA partnership with pro-abortion activism is in a November 2018 Tucson Life article featuring Meagan Gopala’s quest for the Gold Award, the Girl Scouts’ highest honor. Meagan is a member of Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona and the project earning this prestige is her volunteer work on behalf of “reproductive heath justice.” That’s a code phrase for advocating unrestrained abortion on demand throughout pregnancy.

Her efforts also include educating others to “destigmatize access to women’s healthcare.” The reality is, women’s healthcare is not stigmatized. Abortion is, and abortion isn’t healthcare. Meagan has been assisted in her efforts by the El Rio Reproductive Health Access Project.”

The Girl Scouts of Central California Coast’s Instagram account included a December 26, 2018 post lauding US Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor for “Honoring her duty to ‘help people at all times,’ she was a key swing vote in many important cases, including the upholding of Roe v. Wade.”

This subtle evidence of a pro-abortion philosophy is present among many troops, councils and GSUSA, the national organization.

Two years ago about this time, the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council in Jacksonville, Florida included Margaret Sanger on their list of “Women Working for Human Rights.” “Girl Scouts, Why Not?” founder Rochelle Focaracci said that “These councils have described Margaret Sanger as ‘instrumental in the development of the human rights movement’ and ‘important for accomplishments of women.” Focaracci also said that Sanger was one of the “most inspiring and empowering women in American history,” “a woman who has made a significant impact on society” and described Sanger as a woman who “opened the first birth control clinic.”

Sanger’s inclusion in the Girl Scouts Gateway Council was part of inclusion project for Brownie Girl Scouts, composed of girls in the second and third grade.

California Family Council recently reported Margaret Sanger’s position in support of infanticide. Margaret Sanger is quoted as saying, “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” That doesn’t seem to family or girl friendly to me.

Neither Planned Parenthood or Margaret Sanger deserve to be lauded by Girl Scouts, and as long as the Girl Scouts continue this type of partnership with Planned Parenthood, the Girl Scouts are not a safe, healthy environment for girls.


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