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Here’s What Happens During an Abortion (that New York just Legalized up Until Birth)

New York recently became the eighth state to legalize late-term abortions. Governor Andrew Cuomo wasted no time in signing the bill into law, and then bragging that New York “is the most aggressive women’s equality platform in the nation.”

Abortion activists would like for you to think that an abortion is a routine medical operation. They prefer to use terms that are as emotionally detached as possible, like referring to a mother’s womb as a uterus, labeling the baby inside it’s mother a fetus, or now as a tiny blue dot. In fact, the new law passed in New York is called the “Reproductive Health Act” and attempts to redefine “a human being who has been born and is alive,” and describes abortion as a “fundamental right.”

So what really happens during an abortion?

Abortions are gruesome procedures. In a video by Live Action pointing out the inaccuracies of the Planned Parenthood video, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino who himself has performed  over 1,200 abortions detailed what actually happens during a dilation and evacuation (dismemberment) abortion. Dr. Anthony Levatino says,

“The baby has a heartbeat, fingers, toes, arms, and legs, but it’s bones are still weak and fragile. The suction is then turned on, with a force ten to twenty times more powerful than your household vacuum cleaner. The baby is rapidly ton apart by the suction, and squeezed through this tubing down into the suction machine, followed by the placenta. The abortionist uses a curette to scrape the lining of the uterus. A curette is basically a long-handled, curved blade. Once the uterus is empty, the speculum is removed and the abortion is complete.”

In another Live Action video, Dr. Anthony Levatino again details what really happens during an abortion resulting from taking the abortion pill:

“At the abortion clinic or doctor’s office, the woman takes pills which contain mifepristone, also called RU 486. RU 486 blocks the action of a hormone called progesterone. When RU 486 blocks progesterone the lining of the mother’s uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby, who then dies inside the mother’s womb. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours after taking RU 486, the woman take misoprostol… that is administered either orally or vaginally. RU 486 and misoprostol together cause severe cramping, contractions, and often heavy bleeding to force the dead baby out of the mother’s uterus. The process can be very intense and painful, and the bleeding and contractions can last from a few hours to several days. While she could lose her baby anytime and anywhere during this process, the woman will often sit on a toilet as she prepares to expel the child, which she will then flush.”

The just-passed New York law will open the door for all kinds of manipulations and emotional, psychological, and physical abuse of women. Sadly, now even home abortions could become much more common. Additionally, abusive partners or parents will likely not face legal repercussions for harming a woman’s preborn child.


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