In the first episode of “Preacher,” a televised drama broadcast on AMC’s cable channel, Jesus Christ was depicted by an actor in a offensive, graphic manner having sexual relations with a woman. The pair are shown in various sexual positions in silhouette and are heard explicitly verbalizing about the sexual acts they are performing, according to a report from Fox News.
The first few minutes of the second episode, “Dirty Little Secret,” show flashbacks of the actor portraying Jesus and a woman having sexual relations while in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before he was to be crucified. The episode then informs viewers that Jesus got the woman pregnant that night. According to LifeSite News, “later, the Christ character tells the woman to keep their encounter a secret before saying he must leave to do something for his dad, referencing the Last Supper and his subsequent crucifixion.” “I made him a promise. Tonight meant a lot to me. And no matter what happens, I want you to remember one thing. I love you.” In the episode, the Jesus character also says, “You can never, ever tell anyone about this…”
According to LifeSite News, “the show’s second season, takes up main character Jesse Custer’s search for God. This includes his encounters with the Grail, an organization formed by the Apostle Thaddeus tasked with protecting Christ’s earthly bloodline, begun when Jesus got the woman pregnant the night before his crucifixion.”
After the flashbacks to the sex scene on the previous episode the show continues with more blasphemy, with the Jesse Custer character asking the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury if they know where God is. AMC’s own episode recap recounts the Pope as answering that he doesn’t really know as to God’s whereabouts and that God has deserted man and created a new species through the sexual encounter with the woman. The Pope tells Custer that the offspring of that encounter, referred to as “the boy” or “the Messiah” knows. In a later encounter with the depicted “Messiah,” Custer asks him if he is on the right path to finding God and “the Messiah” character promptly urinates on him. Later on, “the Messiah” character is revealed to be a handicapped person directly resulting from inbreeeding within family lines to keep the generational purity of the bloodline of Jesus in preparation for the end of the world.
In a searing review of the August 21 installment of Preacher, NewsBusters’ Lindsay Kornick wrote, “The latest episode featured a subject so embarrassingly crass that I’m shocked I got through the entire episode without slamming my head against a wall.”
After giving some details of the sex scene, she called it “so, so, so wrong,” and later branded its writers “depraved.”
In a statement to LifeSite News, Catholic League President, Bill Donohue said, “Depicting Jesus in a grotesque sex scene is an assault on the sensibilities of all Christian, as well as people of good will who are not Christians.”
Bill Donohue goes on to say, “We have been treated to this kind of fare from some pay-per-view channels, but are not accustomed to AMC getting into the mud. If this is a signal of what it aspires to become, we will rally Christians against it.”
The show’s director, Seth Rogan, however, gleefully took to twitter to express his thoughts on the episode:
Tonight's episode of #Preacher has some stuff I've been excited to bring to life for years and I'm SHOCKED they let us do it. Please watch.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 21, 2017
Many users on Twitter also expressed their disgust at the blasphemous and disgusting way that holy things were portrayed. “More and more scenes becoming shocking but have no other use but to disgust. We can’t see why scene with Jesus filmed THAT way was necessary,” wrote on Twitter user in response to Rogen’s tweet. Another wrote that Rogen had crossed the line and that they would no longer be watching the show.
A report from Catholic Online said, “The scene is offensive to all pious people, and is unworthy of AMC, or television.”
“In order to make a buck, Seth Rogen cast a man as Jesus and asked that actor to do a pornographic scene,” David Drudge wrote in the online publication. “Then, everyone on the show simply went along with it. This is how evil Hollywood has become. This is sick, depraved, and no good Christian should stand for it.”
It is unknown if the show will be renewed by the network, however, according to the NewOrleansTimes-Picayune, the network has filed paperwork to film season three.
The American Family Association’s One Million Moms initiative is demanding an apology from AMC. The petition can be accessed HERE.
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