As of September 5, 2017 the California’s Board of Registered Nursing is now backtracking on a previous decision just a month prior that allowed registered nurses to be trained on the abortion pill reversal method.
The Board of Registered Nursing sent a letter to the pro life organization, Heartbeat International, demanding that they ‘cease and desist’ from offering nurses access to training through continuing education units (also known as CEU’s) for abortion Pill Reversal classes.
Just last month, the Board had decided after a year long audit that it was important enough to the health and safety of mother and child, to train nurses on how to conduct the life-saving process, so it is manifestly clear that the decision to retract their support is nothing short of pressure placed upon them from various liberal lobbyists, online media, and interest groups.
This is a sad development because over 300 women have stopped their abortion from working by means of the abortion pill reversal. There are numerous documented testimonies of women who are now enjoying healthy lives with their children because of the abortion pill reversal method. Almost all of the accounts feature women who chose to take the abortion pill because they felt it was their only real option. Most of them quickly regretted their decision and after finding out about the abortion pill reversal process, started treatments as soon as possible.
It is important that women are educated about their options prior to taking the abortion pill, but should a woman choose to go ahead and take the abortion pill, it is important that she know she has options after taking the first dose of mifeprex or RU-486.
The letter from the California Board of Registered Nursing was postmarked September 5th and arrived yesterday and ordered that Heartbeat International remove the CEU credit from its online courses offered through their online academy within five days.
The original letter, sent July 28, 2017, followed a 17-month period where the Board reviewed hundreds of pages of submitted documentation starting in February of 2016. No subsequent paperwork or filing of any kind was requested prior to or cited in the most recent letter.
The Board had originally questioned Heartbeat International’s inclusion of Abortion Pill Reversal courses during the audit process, but then agreed to reinstate the courses after Heartbeat International responded with a multi-point statement demonstrating the courses’ relevance to nursing practices.
While Heartbeat International is complying with the letter’s demand to remove CEU credit from its online Abortion Pill Reversal courses, the courses will still be activated while the organization appeals the Board’s latest decree.
The radical pro-abortion website reported Sept. 8 (three days before Heartbeat International received the letter) that the letter had been sent. This same site originally influenced and initiated an audit of Heartbeat International in early 2016.