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CA Senator Seeks to Force Student Health Centers to Provide Abortifacients or Lose State Funding

Democratic Senator Connie Leyva is today expected to introduce a devastatingly harmful bill that would forcefully require any California college or university campus that received state funding to provide non surgical abortion services. The bill would specifically require student health centers to provide women and girls with medication onsite to abort their children.

According to the Sacramento Bee,

“Women can typically receive the medication, a two-pill dosage of mifepristone and misoprostol, from a doctor up to 10 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The effect is similar to an early miscarriage, according to Planned Parenthood.”

Republicans in Congress are moving to defund Planned Parenthood with a vote to replace the (not so) Affordable Care Act set to take place at 4pm ET this afternoon, and that’s what purportedly prompted Leyva to bring forward this egregious legislation. She says young women need to have “control over their future” and falsely claims that reducing federal funding for the abortion giant, Planned Parenthood makes it necessary to make abortifacients available on college campuses.

If Congress passes the new health care plan, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates in California alone would lose about $174 million in federal tax dollars. This figure comes from Kathy Kneer, president of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California.

“Obviously the defunding of Planned Parenthood will leave catastrophic holes in access to reproductive health care throughout California,” Kneer falsely claims. Kneer then went on to accurately state that defunding Planned Parenthood would however, “definitely cut down on availability of medication abortions as they are offered at nearly all of our health centers.”

Planned Parenthood’s main focus is on abortions, not “reproductive issues” like their carefully crafted phraseology claims. Our friends at Concerned Women for America have noted that this very narrow emphasis on “reproductive issues” is very misplaced.

Woman’s health care is much broader than “reproductive issues.” Alzheimer’s, respiratory illness, diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease are all major threats to woman’s health that Planned Parenthood does nothing about. Heart disease is considered the number one killer of women.

The Alliance Defending Freedom and the Charlotte Lozier Institute highlight in a chart that the ratio of comprehensive care clinics to Planned Parenthoods is 20 to 1, illustrating clearly that women don’t need Planned Parenthood.


It is certainly not the place for student health centers to be forced to provide access to abortifacients or lose state funding for their educational programs. This is an example of big government coercion at its absolute ugliest. California Family Council urges you to call the office of liberal Democratic Senator Connie Leyva and tell her what you think of this bill: (909) 888-5360 or (916) 651-4020. For the sake of preborn children and to ensure women receive the real types of healthcare that they need, this bill must be emphatically rejected.


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