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Don’t Let California Universities Become Abortion Clinics

In 2019, California passed a bill to require public universities to provide chemical abortion pills to their students within campus health clinics by 2023.

Congressional Republicans are fighting back.

Reps. Mary Miller (R-IL) and Chip Roy (R-TX) along with U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) have co-sponsored a bill to block federal funds from going to any university providing these chemical abortion pills to students. Of course, California was the first state in the nation to pass such egregious legislation, and our own Governor Gavin Newsom was happy to sign it into law.

As Senator Daines correctly points out, “the abortion industry has been taking advantage of vulnerable women” for too long, and handing out chemical abortion pills like candy to young women in crisis pregnancies only further exploits those women.

Chemical abortion pills are presented as an easy, no-fuss “solution” to an unexpected pregnancy. But this past year, the FDA significantly reduced regulations and safety protocols surrounding the pill. Now, doctors are allowed to prescribe these pills without screening for any potential complications, despite the fact that those pre-screening ultrasounds provide critical information.

At least 20 women have died from chemical abortion pills and scores more have dealt with adverse side effects, including ectopic pregnancies, hospitalizations, blood transfusions, and infections.

Why on earth do we need fully informed consent for painkillers, but not for chemical abortion pills? Both carry enormous medical risks.

In fact, a study in the Medscape General Medicine journal found that “the risk of death appears to be 10 times greater with medical abortion than with surgical abortion.” Plus, without pre-screening for blood type, many women may not realize that using a chemical abortion pill could prevent them from ever having children again.

And, of course, irresponsibly increasing access to these pills will result in the further murder of unborn children.

The abortion industry and its false-feminist messaging tries to convince women that ending their pregnancy will give them freedom. Freedom for what? Freedom to experience anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts? The freedom to potentially deal with severe medical complications and perhaps never be able to have children again?

If California legislators truly cared about the health and wellness of women, it would have abandoned a proposal requiring public universities to give these pills to women, especially in the wake of the FDA’s deregulation.

Unfortunately, the powerful pleas of women who have been traumatized by abortion don’t seem to make much of an impact on radical pro-abortionists, as they are fueled by profit and warped concepts of philanthropy and compassion.

This reactive congressional bill, if passed, would do what it needs to do: hit the abortion industry where it hurts – the wallet.

Any public university giving chemical abortion pills should be stripped of its state and federal funding. In no way should any taxpayer in California or elsewhere be forced to pay for the exploitation of women and killing of the unborn.



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